152 programs for 'msts world editor'. Simple, yet powerful product development. Run your team's weekly sprints and tasks, synced to Git. Free for unlimited users. Agile, made easy. One workspace for your team's docs, sprints and tasks, synced to Github, or Gitlab. MSTS Bin is a new project, aimed to try improve some features of MSTS (MS Train simulator). It has arisen persuant to requirements of users put simulator near to reality and improve some features, what was forgotten by authors or authors maybe rate this feature unusefull.
Toolsupdate For Msts

Listed below are the downloads you need to bring your MSTS up to date, not need a CD in the drive and be ready to install MSTS-Bin. The Train Update file below contains the v1.4 update, updated TechDocs and updated Tools utilities. That's why it may be bigger than the cut-down versions you'll see elsewhere on the Web.
Mst Malnutrition Tool
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We are using and recommending this Bin patch: Patch 1.8.010516 EN
If you are installing MSTS BIN for the first time, you must first have the Train Simulator Update (Version 1.2 - April 2002)installed. TRAIN SIMULATOR UPDATE DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE NOW (1.98 MB) DOWNLOAD THE TOOLS UPDATE NOW (740 KB) [19 April 2002] 1) Copy and paste the 'train.exe' and 'Launcher' App. into a separate folder as a backup.
2) Unzip the MSTS BIN download to a place on your hard drive where you can easily find it. I put mine with all my other MSTS utilities. 3) If you are running an old version of Bin, you will need to: | a. Uninstall it before installing the new one. After uninstalling, if the folder 'MSTSBIN_BACKUP' is still in your Train Simulator folder, delete it manually. b. OR, overwrite Bin by installing the first(and only) MSTS Update from April 2002(called 'version 1.2' on the MSTS website) Delete the folder 'MSTSBIN_BACKUP' if it's still in your Train Simulator folder | 4) Now click on the new Bin Patch icon and follow instructions. 5) In the Train Simulator folder, a new folder named 'Translated DLLs' will be created containing the translated language DLL's for MSTS. Open that folder and locate your language folder. Inside are two files 'string.dll' and 'dialog.dll'. Copy and Paste these directly into the Train Simulator folder - overwrite when prompted. If you are using RAILDRIVER, use dlls from 'Rail Driver DLLs' folder.
WIDGETS AND NEW SCREENS: install Bin Patch before installing widgets. Then install the new screens. Back up your 'GUI' folder (inside Train Simulator folder) should you want to revert back to the original MSTS screens.